Preprocessing Script Documentation

process_ais_data Module

Preprocesses AIS data.

To obtain the needed AIS data, see (and run)

Uses information specified in the config_file to chew through available AIS csv data to generate an output csv file with the discretized states, inferred actions, and records metadata for further processing in the meta_file.


collect_csv_files(options, directories, …)

Traverses the directory containing the decompressed AIS data to get the csv names for further processing.

get_action(traj, options, grid_params)

Wrapper function for other get_action functions.

get_action_arb(row, options, grid_params)

Calculates an arbitrary action from the previous state to current state relative to the previous state.

get_action_interp_reg(row, options, grid_params)

Calculates the actions taken from the previous state to reach the current state, interpolating if necessary.

get_action_interp_with_diag(row, options, …)

Calculates the actions taken from the previous state to reach the current state, interpolating if necessary.


Helper function to get longitude boundaries corresponding to zone.


Helper function to get dictionary of script parameters.


Helper function to retrieve a given file name’s year, month, and zone.

get_state(cur_lon, cur_lat, grid_params)

Discretizes a coordinate pair into its state space representation in a Euclidean grid.


Driver code to run the big steps of pre-processing the data.

read_data(csv_files, options, grid_params)

Iterate through each csv file to segregate each trajectory by its mmsi id.

state_to_coord(state, options, grid_params)

Inverse function for get_state.

write_data(trajectories, options, …)

Writes all trajectories to an output csv file using a discretized state and action grid.